Thank you for your interest in what we believe will become your favorite treatment and maintenance product for all your outdoor gear and household projects. Bush Butter has been formulated using a centuries old recipe that our ancestors brought with them from the shores of Lake Brienz in Berne, Switzerland in 1736. Since that time, it has been used by countless generations to help keep tools, blades, and gear in tip top shape. You, like many others, will find Bush Butter to be an amazing product.
To provide all our customers with the very best products using the very best all natural ingredients that are responsibly sourced.
Bush Butter is now available in 3 different sizes and delivery systems. The TIN is for all around projects and is designed to be worked into surfaces using the heat from your fingers. The TUBE is for all those intricate projects like zippers and other small areas. The TUBE is also a great option to keep your lips moisturized and healthy. The BAR is for those larger surfaces that require more product in a larger convenient size.
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